Tuesday, July 15, 2008

There is a certain image on the cover of a certain magazine named for my great city that is getting a lot of attention right now. Apparently, some magazine editors and cartoonists thought that it would work as satire, and decided to place an incendiary image with racist undertones on the cover of their once respected periodical. I won't feature it here. I won't go on a rant about how offensive the image is. I won't highlight and dissect the racial imagery in the picture. I won't even write a thoughtful piece about the lack of people of color in the newsroom, a problem which greatly contributes to colossal and insensitive blunders like the image in question. No, I won't do that. What I will do is take the lead of a man I greatly admire and rise gracefully above the mess that has been created, and privately continue with the hope that our country is slowly but surely getting over its final real bout with intolerance before we ascend to the greatness we're capable of...

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